Grace Among Us
Grace Among Us is a podcast where we discuss the many faces and places of grace. Carri Richard and Ebony Gilbert’s desire is that you will join us and get inspired to notice grace in your own life and share it with others. Grace is free and unearned, and these days we need it more than ever. As a community, we can amplify grace and share the peace of grace with others. Have a question about grace or how grace can work in a situation? Reach us at community@grace-among-us.com and we’ll be happy to respond and it may become a topic in an episode.
Podcasting since 2022 • 38 episodes
Grace Among Us
Latest Episodes
038 - Airplane Grace: How do work with Life when it's Life-y
Have you ever found yourself tensing up as the sound of a child's wail pierces through the cabin of an airplane? Whether you fly or not, you'll relate to the experiences of my co-host Ebony C. Gilbert (and myself) when trapped in a flying metal...
Season 1
Episode 38

037 - Replace your Game Face: Being Real is where Grace is
Grace often seems like a whispered secret, something that others possess but somehow eludes us in our moments of turmoil. Yet, what if I told you that grace could be your steadfast companion, an ever-present strength amidst life's twists and tu...

036 - Are you in Heaven's Net?
What is Heaven's Net. Carri and Ebony answer this question, as well as, what it's like to operate from it. Have you ever felt like there's an invisible safety net guiding your life's journey? Come join us here to seek more about the gift of Hea...
Season 1
Episode 36

035 - Reflective Harmony: Discovering Grace in Life's Rearview Mirror
"I only see God's work (Grace) in my rear view mirror". Have you ever found yourself looking back at a chapter of life, only to discover the grace you couldn't see while you were in the midst of it? Carri and Ebony sit down to weave through the...
Season 1
Episode 35

034 - 100% Successful: The Power of Grace in Personal Transformation
Has the deliberate pursuit of grace ever become an effortless part of your daily existence? Join Ebony Gilbert and myself, Carri Richard, as we reflect on a year's worth of soul-enriching experiences that have seen us embrace grace in ways we n...
Episode 34